The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
Plot Synopsis By DoramasQueen:A story about an occurrence that occurs when Lee Seol, who vanished 13 years ago, is sought out by the proprietors of the unconventional boarding home called “Guest Summer Palace” and boarders with secrets.
- Drama: The Secret Romantic Guesthouse
- Country: Korean
- Original Network: SBS, ViuTV
- Release Year: 2023
- Status: Completed
- Genres: Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance
- Director: Kim Jung Min
- Starring: Jung Gun Joo, Kang Hoon, Ryeoun, Shin Ye Eun
- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 18
- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 17
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- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 15
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- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 13
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- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 8
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- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 4
- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 3
- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 2
- The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Capitulo 1