The Heavenly Idol
Plot Synopsis By DoramasQueen:Pontifex After defeating a devil, Lembrary is transported to a different dimension where he assumes the form of Woo Yeon-woo, a member of the unpopular idol group Wild Animal. It is challenging for sombre, holy Lembrary to adjust in the entertainment industry when overwhelming social skills, trendiness, and talents are greatly demanded. Lembrary gets more attention than he bargained for as a result of his inappropriate words and actions as a public figure. Lembrary uses his generosity and love to bring about healing in this cruel and desolate world while he manoeuvres himself into the position of an idol.
- Drama: The Heavenly Idol
- Country: Korean
- Original Network: TVING, tvN
- Release Year: 2023
- Status: Completed
- Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
- Starring: Go Bo Gyeol, Kim Min Gue, Lee Jang Woo
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 12
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 11
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 10
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 9
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 8
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 7
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 6
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 5
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 4
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 3
- The Heavenly Idol Capitulo 2
- The Heavenly Idol (2023) Capitulo 1