Plot Synopsis By DoramasQueen:“Crash” depicts the story of the Traffic Crime Investigation Team (TCI), which tracks only car crimes such as insurance fraud, retaliatory driving, self-harm blackmail, leka, call jump, and autonomous driving. Cha Yeon Ho, a rational individualist from KAIST, and Min So Hee, a traffic investigation ace with cool judgment and warm sensitivity, track unusual traffic crime cases with the traffic crime investigation team to uncover the truth behind them.
(Source: Korean = Naver || Translation = MyDramaList)
- Drama: Crash
- Country: Korean
- Original Network: ENA
- Release Year: 2024
- Status: Completed
- Genres: Action, Comedy, Mystery, Thriller
- Director: Park Joon Woo
- Starring: Choi Moon Hee, Heo Sung Tae, Kwak Sun Young, Lee Ho Chul, Lee Min Ki